Articles in refereed journals
[1] HE Runyu,Gao Junshan. (2008), “Characteristics of Sweden entrepreneurship educating and its revelations for entrepreneurship educating in Chinese universities”, Human Resource Development of China, 10: 77-80.
[2] HE Runyu. (2007), “The familying of external professional managers and system changes of family business”, Human Resource Development of China, 4: 9-12.
[3] HE Runyu. (2005), “External rewards vs. internal rewards”, Enterprise Management, 2:53.
[4] HE Runyu. (2004), “The implementation approach of corporate famous brand strategy”, Group Economy,11:40.
[5] HE Runyu. (2004), “Ants: A model of modern industrial and commercial organizations”, Group Economy, 9:75.
[6] HE Runyu, Su Ling. (2003), “Core competence vs. speculative competence”, Sino Foreign Management, 8:32-34.
[7] HE Runyu. (2002), “High-level managers’ six big pitfalls”, Human Resource Development of China, 5: 40-42.
[8] HE Runyu. (2001), “Who is responsible for advertising?! ─ ─ about advertising ethics and responsibility”, Enterprise Management, 9:67-68.
[9] HE Runyu. (2001), “Comment of ‘Source of the wealth’ ”, Human Resource Development of China, 11:55.
[10] HE Runyu. (2000), “Distinguishing dolphins and sharks-About differences between ESDP and Stock Partnership System”, Sino Foreign Management, 9:32-33.
[11] HE Runyu. (1999), “Hard persuing and sweet to enjoy-The Yili Group’s expansion by M&A ”, Group Economy, 8:27-29.
[12] HE Runyu, Wang Ying, Lü Youcheng. (1999), “Stock partnership system (JSPS) in the reform of the state owned small enterprises”, Logistics and Material Handling, 4(1):36-38.
[13] HE Runyu, Zhou Xuemei. (1998), “The developments of MNEs and small business technology innovation”, World Economy Study, 2:34-37.
[14] HE Runyu. (1997), “Several issues in corporate organizing”, Sino Foreign Management,9:35-36.
[15] HE Runyu. (1997), “Autumn wind blew Han Pass last night-Analyse of impacting ways to national industries of foreign investments”, Modern Industry & Commence,2:10-12.