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职务: 系主任、系书记














1) 北京市社科项目,城市物流网络低碳足迹及策略研究,负责人,2013-2014

2) 北京市社科项目,基于公路港的低碳物流联盟竞合机制研究,负责人,2016-2017

3) 北京市社科重点项目,面向低碳的京津冀物流基地协同运作研究,负责人,2018-2020

4) 国家自然科学基金重点项目,复杂工程系统健康管理研究,子课题负责人,2013-2017

5) 海峡两岸合作项目(专题联合科研计划)基于RAM-C的复杂工程系统营运健康管理研究(TW2018009),2018-2019,负责人

6) 国家自然科学基金,低碳经济下双渠道闭环供应链网络设计及鲁棒优化研究(71602008),2017-2019

7) 中央高校科研项目大数据环境下复杂系统决策分析的理论与方法(FRF-BR-16-002B),2017

8) 北京市教委项目,00012268,某系统资源配置及运行调度优化研究,参加者,2018.

9) 装备项目,38060047,企业供应链质量管理现状调研和质量能力评价研究,主持人,2019


1) 2005年度(澳大利亚悉尼东方论坛)管理科学国际会议优秀论文:企业快速建模元模型;

2) 2007年国家级精品课程《生产管理》(主讲);

3) 2008年教育部科技成果《邯钢MES关键技术研究与开发》成员;

4) 2009年度普通高等教育国家级精品教材《生产与运作管理(第二版)》;

5) 2010年首届全国百篇优秀教学案例《武钢鄂城钢铁公司战略供应管理系统》;

6) 2013年教育部第一批“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材《生产与运作管理(2版)》;

7) 2013年北京市高等教育教学成果奖二等奖,三维一体《运营管理》教学体系创新与实践;

8) 2017年北京科技大学校级“十三五”规划教材《供应链管理》;

9) 2018年第八届中国质量学术与创新论坛,二等奖、优秀奖;

10) 2018年度北京科技大学国际学生(研究生)优秀指导教师。



[1] 杨建华, 张群. 生产与运营管理(简要版). 北京:清华大学出版社,2020

[2] 杨建华, 张群. 生产运作管理(第3版). 北京:电子工业出版社,2016

[3] 杨建华, 王为人.供应链物流管理教程. 北京:清华大学出版社,2016

[4] 杨建华. 企业资源计划——ERP原理、应用与案例(第2版). 北京:电子工业出版社,2015

[5] 杨建华,张群. 运营管理(第2版).北京:清华大学出版社/北京交通大学出版社. 2012(1)

[6] 杨建华. ERP原理与应用.北京:电子工业出版社. 2011(4)

[7] 杨建华,张群.企业资源规划与流程再造.北京:北方交通大学出版社,2007(4)

[8] Rayhaneh Nazempour, Jianhua Yang and Abdul Waheed. The Effect of Supply Chain Agility on Organizational Operational Performance: SC Agility and Organizational Performance,January 2020,DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0945-6.ch078,In book: Supply Chain and Logistics Management (pp.1608-1630)

[9] Abdul Waheed and Yang Jianhua. The Comparison Between Traditional vs. Advanced Means of Marketing Communications. In Book : Diverse Methods in Customer Relationship Marketing and Management, IGI Global Publisher, 2018

[10] Abdul Waheed and Yang Jianhua. The Effect of E-Marketing and Outdoor Media Advertising on Exploratory Consumer Buying Behavior. In book: Advertising and Branding: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications,IGI Global Publisher,2017


[1] Yang, Jianhua and Al-Sayed, R., "Barriers to radical innovation in research institutions in China", International Journal of Innovation Science, 14 (2)2022247-281.

[2] Yang, Jianhua, Z. Ding and L. Wang, "The Programming Model of Air-Ground Cooperative Patrol Between Multi-UAV and Police Car," IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 134503-134517, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3115950.

[3] Yang, Jianhua, Zhao X, Han M. Joint optimization of imperfect condition-based maintenance and lot sizing via an availability-cost hybrid factor. Engineering Reports. 2021;e12462. doi: 10.1002/ eng2.12462

[4] Yang, Jianhua & Guo, Long. Optimization of Marine Port Logistics Collection and Distribution Network: A Perspective of Supply Chain Management. Journal of Coastal Research. 2020,106. 473–476.

[5] Rafif Al-Sayed, Jianhua Yang. Towards Chinese smart manufacturing ecosystem in the context of the one belt one road initiative CASCOPUS. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, 2020 ,11(3): 291-310

[6] Annabelle Schreiber, Jianhua Yang. Multi-echelon logistics and disposal optimization model for municipal solid waste management in Beijing. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management , 01/2018; 22(4):307-327. EI

[7] Abdul Waheed, Jianhua Yang. The impact of Mobile marketing on consumes' Online buying behavior. International Journal of Mobile Communications , 16(6), 2018.SSCI

[8] Abdul Waheed, Yang Jianhua. Achieving consumers’ attention through emerging technologiesThe linkage between e-marketing and consumers’ exploratory buying behavior tendencies. Baltic Journal of Management, 13 (2)2018209-235. SSCI

[9] Rayhaneh Nazempour, Jianhua Yang. A study to assess the personality of supply chain managers and its effect on supply chain performance. International Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences. 4(1),2019 : 57-65

[10]Abdul Waheed, Jianhua Yang, Jon K. Webbe. Reinforcing Consumers’ Impulsive Buying Tendencies through M-Devices and Emails in Pakistan. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, Volume 13,2018: 045-060.

[11] Waheed, A., Jianhua Yang*. Effect of corporate social responsibility disclosure on firms' sales performance: A perspective of stakeholder engagement and theory. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 20181–8.

[12] Abdul Waheed, Jianhua Yang. The Effect of Mobile Marketing and Email Marketing on Exploratory Information Seeking (EIS) Behavior of the Consumers: Communication Through Wireless Technologies[J]. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (IJEIS) .13(4):76-89,2017

[13] Huijie Gao , Jianhua Yang et.al. The impact of partner similarity on alliance management capability, stability and performance: Empirical evidence of horizontal logistics alliance in China. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 47( 9)906-926, 2017SSCI

[14] Yang Jianhua, Guo Jidong. Low-carbon City Logistics Distribution Network Design with Resource Deployment. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016/03223-228.SCI

[15] JianHua Yang, Zhichao Ma, Yang Song. Research on the support model of large equipment emergency spare parts under fuzzy demand. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management , Vol 8, No 3,2015  :658-673

[16] Waheed A, Jianhua Yang. Effect of Prejudice and References on Employee Selection Process: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan. Global Business Review. 2019;20(6):1344-1360.

[17] 杨建华,刘淞.考虑消费者参考效应的双渠道乳制品供应链协调机制设计[J].控制与决策. 2022,37(06) 204-215

[18] 刘娜, 杨建华. 基于AHP-因子分析的大型企业供应商审核评价实证研究[J]. 现代管理, 2022, 12(4): 372-380. 

[19] 杨建华,韩梦莹.考虑碳税对备件联合订购决策影响的研究[J].中国管理科学,2021,29(07):23-32.

[20] 杨建华,韩梦莹.视情维修条件下k/N(G)系统备件供需联合优化[J].系统工程与电子技术,2019,41(09):2148-2156.

[21] 杨建华,韩梦莹.基于延迟时间理论的备件维修多目标优化模型[J].系统工程与电子技术,2019,41(08):1903-1912.

[22] 杨建华,高卉杰,殷焕武.物流服务提供商联盟的关系治理和机会主义--基于正式控制视角[J].软科学,2017,(1):124-129.

[23] 杨建华,高卉杰. 北京城市物流业碳排放及驱动因素研究[J]. 数学的实践与认识,2016,06:54-61.

[24] 杨建华,马志超,高卉杰. 响应突发事件的大型装备应急备件调度模型研究[J]. 中国安全生产科学技术,2016,03:122-126.

[25] 杨建华,高卉杰,郭龙. 横向物流联盟伙伴相似性、关系承诺与联盟绩效的关系研究[J]. 软科学,2016,04:60-64.

[26] 刘琼,杨建华. 钢材生产企业利用期货工具规避现货风险的研究——基于虚拟钢厂模型的实证分析[J]. 价格理论与实践,2015,08:79-81. (CSSCI)

[27] 杨建华. 基于供应商质量的企业大质量体系建设[J]. 中国质量, 2015,03:116-117.

[28] 杨建华,高卉杰,马志超. 物流联盟管理能力对竞争优势、联盟绩效影响的实证研究[J]. 软科学,2015,06:120-125.

[29] 杨建华,郭继东,马书刚. 城市物流配送系统低碳化博弈研究[J]. 软科学,2014,07:130-135.

[30] 马书刚,杨建华,郭继东. 面向多样化需求的MRO服务资源配置模型与算法[J]. 管理科学, 2014, 04:133-144.

[31] 杨建华,宋扬. 大型装备备件库存系统动力机制研究[J]. 系统仿真学报, 2014, 07: 1589-1597.

[32] 杨建华,马志超,宋扬. 应对突发状况的装备备件供应网络虚拟库存策略研究[J]. 数学的实践与认识, 2014,18:86-92.

[33] 杨建华,宋扬. 基于备件满足率的多级备件库存模型研究[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2014, 04: 8-14.

[34] 杨建华, 郭继东. 城市物流配送系统的环境影响评估. 城市问题. 201212):37-41

[35] 杨建华,郭继东,马书刚等.碳税约束的城市冷链物流配送网络设计[J].工业工程, 2012, 15 (5): 86-91.

[36] 杨建华,郭继东,马书刚等. 基于社会信任的供应链纵向交易治理机制研究.中国管理科学. 2012, Vol.20SP.2012:549-553.


[1] Yang Jianhua ,Yanyan Jia,Yuying Liu. Research on Path of High-Quality management for Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises.  31st Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) . April 30 -May 5, 2021      

[2] Yang Jianhua,Yuying Liu. The impact of collaboration and big data application capability on supply chain agility-a chain mediation model The 11th International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering & The 4th InternationalConference on Reliability Systems Engineering (QR2MSE2021 & ICRSE2021)October27th-30th, 2021, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

[3] Wenqian Xie, Jianhua Yang. The Strategy of Green Promotion Service Sharing in the Presence of Govemment Consumption Subsidy. The 15th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management(ICOSCM 2021) ,Xiamen, China

[4] Zhaoxiao, Jianhua yang. Multi-attribute Joint Determination of Condition-based Maintenance and Economic Manufacturing Quantity. The 11th International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering & The 4th International Conference on Reliability Systems Engineering (QR2MSE2021 & ICRSE2021)October27th-30th, 2021, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

[5] Rayhaneh Nazempour, Jianhua Yang, Zahara Javaid. Effect of Supply Chain Agility Dimensions on Supply Chain Performance. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Big Data Technologies, Jinan, China — August 28 - 30, 2019: 344-348

[6] Yang Jianhua, Meng-Ying Han. Research on Optimizing Model of Single-unit System Inspection Interval Based on RAMS and TOPSIS. International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (QR2MSE 2019). August 6-9, 2019, Zhangjiajie, Hunan, China

[7] Yang Jianhua, Long Guo, Qiong Liu. Risk Identification and Management of Logistics and Supply Chain Based on System Dynamics. International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering,Qingdao,China,2018

[8] Long Guo, Jianhua Yang. An integrated repair plan optimization model study for the service chain,Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering,2018/8,Frankfurt, Germany

[9] Guo, L.; Jianhua Yang. A decision model of logistics service supply chain coordination under stochastic production conditions. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2018, 123, S7:1–11

[10] Abdul Waheed, Jianhua Yang*, and Jun Guang Zhang. Understanding the impact of Chinese e-commerce sites on consumers’ online purchase intention in Pakistan. POMS 29th Annual Conference 2018, Houston, TX, USA  

[11] Yang Jianhua, Yang Song,Long GUO . Research on Availability-oriented Strategy of Product Support in context of multiple maintenance and logistics System. POMS 29th Annual Conference 2018, Houston, TX, USA

[12] Annabelle Schreiber,Jianhua Yang. A logistics and optimization model for municipal solid waste management in Beijing. POMS 28th Annual Conference 2017, Seattle, WA, USA

[13] Abdul Waheed, Jianhua Yang. Understanding the effect of E-marketing (eM) on online consumer buying behavior      International Conference on Management Engineering, Software Engineering and Service Sciences, ACM),2017:163-167

[14] Al-Sayed, R and Jianhua Yang. Chinese Innovation Ecosystem in the Context of the Belt and Road Initiative, Proceedings. The 18th European Conference on Knowledge Management.2018

[15] Yang Jianhua , Guo, L,Song, Y,Zhang, X. Product Support Strategy Based on Availability International Conference on Mathematics, Modelling and Simulation Technologies and Applications (MMSTA 2017). DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering. Vol.215,2017:767-775

[16] Yang Jianhua, Gao huijie. Research on the competition and cooperation decision-making strategy of logistics service integrators based on capacity reservation. ICMOR 2016. Beijing

[17] Gao huijie, Jianhua Yang,Research on model of city logistics network and Effects of different carbon policies, POMS 26th Annual Conference,2015

[18] Yang Jianhua & Huijie Gao. The impact of different carbon policies on city logistics network. 2nd International Conference on Engineering Technology and Application, (ICETA).Xiamen, 2015 (EI)

[19] Yang Jianhua, Ma zhichao, Xiaobiao Cheng,Optimization of Supply Chain Simulation Based On Virtual Inventory Alliance.,The 12th International Conference on Industrial Management,2014.09.03-2014.09.05

[20] Yang Jianhua, Ma zhichao. Research on the Strategy of Spare Prats Supply Network Virtual Inventory under Emergency. 11th International Conference on Services Systems and Services Management, Beijing.2014/06

[21] Yang Jianhua. Ma shugang. A Resource Planning Method for Modular Assembly Line Based on Coordination in Career Apparel Industry. POMS 25th Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA,USA. May9-12,2014

[22] Liu, Jian Fang, Jianhua Yang. Research on reliability of equipment based on interval prediction method. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.330:279-281,2013, 2nd International Conference on Materials Engineering and Automatic Control, ICMEAC 2013, May 18, 2013 - May 19, 2013

[23] Yang Jianhua, Guo Jidong. Urban Logistics Two-level Distribution Network Design under Carbon Tax. Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering, Dallas, TX, USA, 2012,9




